Hello everyone, in this video we’re gonna make it a pilot video review on Suzuki v-strom 650 motorcycle. This is one of the most common sport bike Suzuki V Strom 650. Around the world the reason, I’m saying we’re gonna make it because we together me and Martin who is my cameraman at the moment he’s the owner of this motorcycle. We are gonna tell you everything about it stay with me alright. Welcome back in the channel guys so I’m not gonna deep inside with all of the specs because these are the things you can find in Internet. What I believe is more important our opinions me and Martin’s opinion about the bike.

I will just pointed the things it has 19 inch front wheel 17 on the back. It has a v-twin 650 cc I believe was something like sixty four horsepower something like that. And this is actually the most powerful biking in this category because all of the bikes with this segment. Like 650 700 CC are around 50 maybe 55 course powerful. This is about 10 extra horsepower so the weight of the bike is around 200 kilograms. A little bit more maybe but actually once you start riding you can’t feel it. The petrol tank is around 20 liters again. I’m not sure and Multan is also not sure so you can check it by yourself. How many liters exactly it has and in overall. It has as I said this is one of the most used bikes around the world. I’m gonna just walk around and show you what I mean. So don’t mind the the top box. It is belonged to my friend Martin he loved it. He loved it yeah so maybe this is not the most prettier bike. Or at least it is not my type of bike but I have to confess a few things. It’s a very very practical bike absolutely practical bike. And I really love this analog clocks. And the digital in the middle so while you write it’s very easy to read everything here. So I don’t want people who has this digital instruments now to attack me because this is just my opinion. The digital’s are good but when you write. It’s not that easy to read it. This beacon all cloaks are something really practical. The handlebar absolutely simple so this bike is what year martin 2008. So this is already 11 years old bike well.

This is actually a good chance for me to review all bags because usually people ask me why do not review this bike or this model or that model because guys where to find this bikes to review it. Usually I review new bikes because I can take it from the shop. But all bikes it has a different store so every time when I have a chance to see and write some of these all bikes. I do it with pleasure just to let you know ok. Let me continue so that the instruments here. Everything is absolutely simple handlebar. I set all the clocks the standard buttons absolutely no extra simple simple bike or as Martin said keep. It kiss huh yes simple stupid. Alright, lets me start the engine now. I made it from the first time.

Here’s a special ya system if I don’t give, I don’t give enough enough hints. Typical old-fashioned sound standard suspension not so hard. It has option 2 pre-loaded on the back the shock. I don’t think that we can make something with front we have some options but actually you don’t need to because this is wrought orientated bike. So so far, so good another one shot from the back to see. What it is alright let’s go to write it. And then I will continue our areas so the first impressions from. These bikes are that, it is very well balanced. Its bike so the weight distribution is. It’s really really good so being an old-fashioned guy. I was before to have a tank on the top like this based on even that maybe. The from the scientific point of view.

The tank under the seat is much better. Like the Honda NC in front of me that the one I was writing until now. But as I said I prefer to have the standard petrol tank because for me it’s distribute the weight much better. So the false impression rather the bike is very stable very easy to write. You don’t need any special skills even that it’s a heavy bike. I think it’s all our 200 kilograms or around 200 kilograms but you cannot really feel it. When you start, when you start riding so that’s why I perfectly understand that.

This is a preferable choice for many riders. Especially mini riders around the world through went with with these bikes. The engine is some kind of bulletproof and more and more but now I’m going to focus just on the right. So guys, I put the bike as I said just a few minutes ago we switch it with Tom Martin. And I already got the impression Col this is. It has been my bike forever so it’s so easy to get used to. You don’t need a special skills or time to adjust yourself to this bike. Just taken go back and I look forward to see it. How it’s handled the corners and to feel the brakes. And so on and so on but so far the impressions are very good when I told you about the weight distribution.

And the policies but the balance of the bike I mean everything. It is so easy to write it in slow speed like now. In the traffic just to do maneuvers. And to handle it without need to worry about the weight of the bike because it’s split yet really well. This is another one of the processes of this model. And the riding position is very comfortable for me. Given that I am a tall guy, 185 little above six feet but yeah visibility of the dashboard is very good head is the standard control panels speed on the left hand side. And RPMs on the right hand side clock in the middle petrol gauge temperature which is very very useful so mmm very good handle ball position is OK for me.

The windscreen what Martin told me. That it’s going to be probably not high enough for me but this is not the problem. It could be replaced at any time so it shouldn’t be a problem at all. Let’s get out of this traffic and I will tell you a little bit more about handling around the corners. All right so now, I am out of the traffic and I can twist a little bit more. And I can feel the power immediately. This is maybe the most powerful bike in this category even that’s the old model. If you the power and I can see now that the wind protection is not so good for me what is because of my size and it could be made properly by choosing the right windscreen but so far I’ve got only positive feelings. Right we’re coming to the first corner sections. Good let me feel it very well. First impressions are excellent absolutely pleasures. Right let’s handle the corners really real good in many ways. I’ll say with the risk to upset some NC owners but I’ll say that I prefer to ride this bike instead of NC. I don’t know why. I don’t know why it just gives me the confidence and the feeling. I need just most tables of feel it’s like a more stable bike. I don’t know maybe, it’s just just me I don’t know.

I like how the total response and how the brake response. And they do exactly what I want them to do. I don’t know about abs. I have to check later.  It has or not but just I prefer to have my own manual control instead of all of the system to control myself or my decisions as I said they could be very very useful. But they could be also they can make me not so good favor. If you learn to use it on with the systems then it’s a problem when you don’t have it. So when when I need to tilt I prefer to be on this bike even that’s the the center of gravity’s maybe higher because of the time. I prefer to build this bike very very good a lot. If Matias the brakes, I think that the brakes are good enough. It provides the stopping power you need. Maybe they are not excellent but good enough. And the distance again yeah we are good. I feel it so well on the corner so well man as I said many times.

I respect the laws of physics but at the end it’s all coming to our feelings and our experience with the bikes. So maybe the law of physics say that a lower peso tank is better for the end the device behind a handlebar or meaning. It’s who is going to judge or who is going to stay a life or diet whatever or have fun or negativism. Whatever you want to name it. So from the writing photos view this bike is just brilliant. Another one very good point I want to mention is that existing of this analog clocks. I mean the speed and the RPMs yeah. I’m sure and I know that when you have a digital clocks you can have much more information. And you can change change the different bowls and you can have everything you need. But men like this old fashioned maybe like this analog clocks they are so easy to delete while right on the other hand the digital’s in some models. They’ve got these small letters and numbers and you really need to focus on on it to know what exactly they show. All right maybe if you have the bike from out for a long time you will know what exactly it is. But just just give me that the confidence I need when I write and everything I need well. When I write actually well now these sharp corners. I just have such a nice feelings with this bike. I love it. I really hope that we’re gonna have a stretch line.

We just almost impossible here just to twist a little bit more. I want to check what is the the normal cruising speed of that bike. But I’m pretty sure that we will not want to have this chance. But anyway the purpose of this test is to fill the bike and one of the riding conditions you might need to experience like twisty road. Which is very very important see how stable it is. You don’t need to grab the handle bar just till then. It’s go wherever you want. It is such a simple bike I’ve enjoyed it. Bye guys absolutely and it’s behaves which will an natural on on every riding conditions so I cannot tell anything about how this bike is going to perform off road or dirt roads or bad roads. But on beautiful roads twisty roads is just brilliant so as I said guys. I don’t care what the scientists will say or what the magazine’s will say or what many people will say about this bike. And all of the stats and numbers and analytics. They’re gonna show me I know what I feel and this is a wonderful bike to ride wonderful maybe. It’s not the bike I’m gonna choose to go around the world because you know my trips. I always include some but also off-roading whatever there is not a proper bike for this but for anything else. It is it is all right guys all right, it’s now at the moment with 90 km/h 4000 rpms absolutely well for highways. I believe that is not going to be a problem to write it with hundred and twenty thirty kilometers per hour. Even and it has 12,000 rpm so it should move over to write it even with 240. I believe so my conclusions are as the bike is perfect for any kind of road conditions all right. I told you what I think about the bike.

I believe that the best person who can share his experience with it it’s Martin because he has it from the beginning. And he has a lot of miles on it and his opinion it’s worth much more than mine. so Martin please come here and talk thanks for that probably and the reason why I bought this bike is that I will do more or less about 50,000 kilometers a year. I need something that’s robust reliable offers good fuel consumption because we don’t like pulling into the petrol station to fill up for every other day. So I rode one of these a few years ago really liked it and decided now’s the time to get one for myself having spent a few months with it now. And it’s I find it very comfortable to ride all day long even though. I have got a little bit of padding here that’s there. That’s just to help along the way but normally the seat in itself is very comfortable. And it’s a nice position to ride I’m not reaching too far for the handlebars because I’m a little bit short as well so sometimes some of the bikes sort of got.

I need to reach this one is great and you know it’s very cool the bolt on the bioscan yeah. I’m five foot eight and I can get both feet comfortably on the ground yeah so yeah. And I’m not reaching forward with me with my arms so yeah and very comfortable on its. All day long which is very important if you’re going to be doing a quite a bit of touring. And I mentioned about not putting too much fuel in it. It’s very Fuger and cost me I’m running around all day maybe doing 250 kilometres a day. And it’s costing me 70 to keep it going and may other maintenance wise saw me to cylinder.

So you’ve only got two sets of parts smart plugs these. These sort of things I don’t when you when you’ve got a fleet of bikes you need to keep trying. Keep your costs down and like I said before I’m looking for reliability because it is my job. I need it to be on the road every day with covering 50,000 kilometers.  If I if there’s something wrong with it then it cost me money. Okay going back to ride riding the bike brakes are very important. You have got to be able to stop yourself especially in emergency. I find the brakes are very smooth. I get good feedback from them when I start applying them. And the it’s a non abs bike so where you don’t be grabbing the front brake on this otherwise you know you got to be off your bike but smoothly and progressively. I get a good feel for them and I can bring the bike up to a halt pretty rapidly. They are very good power on the bike well. There’s more than enough power the 64 brake horsepower. They can excel in overtaking other vehicles smoothly and progressively. And carrying passengers as well. I have been carrying passengers quite a lot recently. And more than of power too again for overtaking but the beauty that.

I like about this bike is it’s so agile in the bends in the twisties of Gran Canaria. And very well balanced yes speed wise as well top speed. It cruises quite nicely along the highway 140, hundred 50 kilometers and after that I do get a little bit of wind buffeting from from the screen and the fairing but other than that. No it goes along really nicely moving on to where feedback off. The off the handlebars you do get a little bit of vibration in your in your hands and your feet but don’t forget. This is an old about 2008 and it’s a v-twin. So it is quite lively. And it is a little bit of a bee but nothing that’s gonna make your hunting at the end of the day. The windscreen well I’m a little bit short. So when a do pit stop picking up speed certainly on the on the motorways. And the Alta Vista yeah. I do get a little bit of buffeting on this. I will head there far out there what the film is of order the new screen for it. So, it’s good to be a touring screen. It’s gonna be a little bit higher so that should send everything over my head. Okay my final thoughts on this bike is these bikes are very underestimated by other people. Certainly, the people have never ridden them and they tend to look elsewhere  rather than looking at the v-strom but since I have had it our fan it’s absolutely fantastic biking to wolf would.

I go across the continents in it – of course or what there’s more than enough power. And it’s comfortable and it’s an ideal all-rounder. All right yes, so I can really confirm his words. I also never had a proper chance to ride this bike like I did it today. And I was nicely surprised to confirm everything Martin just said. So Yes, it’s probably the most underestimated bike but it’s really worth to go and give it a try here. Yeah and cost-wise these older bikes with low management cost lots of money. I mean I pick this off 3,000 euros. So if for example is your first bike, your first bike is going to be mistake anyway. So yes that’s about everything from us. I hope this information will be useful for someone. If you have any question about this bike maybe the best person to ask is Martin because he has tons of knowledge about it. I will leave down in the description his details also the details about his motorcycle tools company around Canary Island welded pilot video about it. What we have done what we have covered here you can see in my youtube channel description. Also in the link down below I will say nothing now that one because this is a video review about the bike thank you very much for watching. Don’t forget to subscribe and see you next time you.

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