Suzuki rmx450 dirt bike has a lot of good reviews you know some of you maybe didn’t let me put you up. Here Suzuki rmx450 didn’t do so good in the shootouts and test rides. There will be a magazine won’t name any but they’ll hire writers. They even come out these writers already have their chosen bike that they click with. Usually, if they’re a good enough writer to be in a test mag they have already bought that year model bike.

They have the previous year model but they’re a little bias so I think I’ve been getting lots of questions like. Why did you pick Suzuki? Why didn’t you go with this make? Why don’t you go with that one? What are you gonna do about this? I can tell you guys and especially like I got a little bit hounding which I expected from people saying like. Why would you buy a Suzuki instead of my 16 Yamaha? I’m 5’10” 238 pounds I’m not a light bite I’m a heavy guy I’ve reworked the suspension on my Yamaha. I’ve got it cherry enough to where if I dive into a corner the bike because it’s so top-heavy. The gyro on the bike and it’s got a really bruh powerband which some people like some people don’t.

As a matter of fact, when I first got the bike it was too abrupt that I had to contact Dr. Dee and ask them how I could tame it down a little bit. I’m not a pro rider I’m not even an expert rider for that matter. I’m somewhere in between c and b class you know it’s like I could race either one and have fun. I had to look at the long-term goal and picture of buying the Suzuki. Someone with a big pocketbook can definitely buy a 16 Yamaha being similar stature like me. Spend the money on triple clamps rear links get the DRD lowering kit for the radiators and for the engine. To make that bike work for you I’m not saying in any way that the 18 armsie is better than the 16 or 17 y’see.

One of the bad decisions that I did make and getting this Suzuki is I did not try it first. I went off of a few things that made up that decision. The first was price point it just right for me to make a decision based on how much I’m gonna be putting on the bike. I looked at the other things I looked at what collectively all the shootouts were saying. They did not like the balance free rear cushion shock but all of them are required to report on the bike based on how it comes from the factory. They don’t change tires they don’t swap links they don’t change triple clamps they don’t do anything other than test the base bike.

According to the Suzuki manual, they want you to know an hour of riding not much more than quarter throttle. Then another hour not much more than half throttle and then you can start to bump it up. I put half an hour on of going like quarter to half I kind of broke the rules a little bit but don’t worry I’m not hurting the bike. I did very small Moto’s like five-minute moto came off let it rest for 20 and then you wait till the engine was warm to the touch skipping. Things like the rear shock on this one I try to pick apart what factory’s intent compared to what the test riders.  I can say from experience I’ve had several new bikes I’ve had like my Yamaha the 16 before that I had 13 CRF 450.

For me, 13 CRF was the best turning bike I’ve ever had until this point. I feel like already with a short amount of time that I put on the Suzuki. It out turns a Honda and in that 13 to 16 platform for me so don’t get that cross. If you have that bike it works amazing for you fantastic that’s kind of why I wanted to make this video. I want you guys to understand that price point part availability ease to work on. Honestly, when it comes down to it like the part price and the promotion package. Suzuki had in getting sponsored with the RM army at the same time there’s some really cool kickback. I mean some people might think that they’re minuscule but I think that they’re beneficial to me.

I know things like RM army they’re kind of knew the game team greens. Long time ride Reds have been out for a long time and blue crew is actually kind of new. Orange Brigade for KTM and I can’t remember the one for Husqvarna but all these have amateur programs. These guys will pay you if you up to the top five or six. In some races just for being on their bike so there is a little bit of payback. They do send you some cool swag like I’m getting an ez-up canopy for this a Suzuki arm one. I’m getting an army credit card with some cash on it. In my opinion, I feel like as far as a starting platform for me.

I needed something that first like turned me off of my current bike. I’d just get that y’see 450th to turn for me the other thing was the power. The power has always been too abrupt on the y z 450 for me. I had to call Dr. Dee they sent me a different header and they sent me a map to try with the header. It did it brought that hit out and made the power more linear. The power is no longer an issue with that I love. The powers on it but it seems like I just can’t get the thing to turn. The list Suzuki was the last place in some of the magazine shoots. Kawasaki was the last place in some of the shoots some people put Honda before KTM.

This is a little hard to get dialed in first they end up running a little extra sag to get the shock. The bike wants the stinkbug a little bit so they take some sag out of the back to get the rear end. The bike really stays planted that was one of the major concerns so there are companies like Duvall that make rear links. They help bring down the rear so you don’t have to mess with your sag. You can still keep a 104-105 whatever you like sag number and still keep the positive feeling out of the bike.You can do things like power adders I don’t personally want to change the power I love the power straight out of the box. I did put the rich coupler on as a matter of fact for break-in and keep the heat off the valves. I do know that the rich valve is a slower map. I know bikes when they run rich they run differently for braking and that’s what I wanted to do.

I definitely don’t want it running lean for break-in so I have the ridge coupler. I’m pretty sure after I have it all broken in after a couple of hours I do have Rocky Mountain ATV/mc calm is sending me some Goody for it. I am waiting for those so I could get an hour meter on. A really good idea of when the engines finally are broken in. I’m going to end with you know ergonomics are how the bike feels just by sitting on it bar height grips peg location. Then you know whether a bike feels thick or skinny and whether or not you can feel at home when you’re on the chassis.

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